Luis Trenker Shops
Play with light and shade lends the room dynamism.
Shopping experience
In today's world, light is also an important tool for turning shopping into a sensual experience. It performs several tasks - from simple spatial orientation to accentuating individual items that have been specially staged. Light creates atmosphere, drawing attention to the goods, while underlining the image of the Luis Trenker brand. We made use of the latest lighting technology to implement this basic principle in the new stores in Kitzbühel, Seefeld, and Zürich.
At the center of the lighting concept are the vertical shelf spaces, where garments are presented mostly hanging but also lying flat. These areas in particular were therefore designed for high intensity. In the zones between the presentation areas, the level of illumination was deliberately chosen slightly lower in order to allow an interplay of light and shade and to lend the room dynamism. At the same time, this creates visual guidance in the room.

The new favorite perfectly staged
Our Lumex W² is the perfect choice for highlighting presentation areas. The free-form faceted reflector has the special property of perfectly illuminating not only the vertical wall/shelf space, but also the floor space in front of it. This characteristic in particular is of great interest in the store area, as it not only perfectly illuminates the goods presented on the shelf, but also the new favorite garment when it is removed from the shelf.